Kinsley's Landfill, Inc.
Kinsley’s Landfill, Inc. (KLI) owns and operates Kinsley Landfill (“the Landfill”) , which is a fully permitted Secure Sanitary Landfill located in Deptford Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. The Landfill ceased accepting Municipal Solid Waste in 1987. Pursuant to the Solid Waste Management Act of 1981 (“the 1981 Act”), KLI filed a Closure and Post Closure Care Plan and a Closure and Post Closure Financing Plan with the NJDEP. The Plan was approved in July 1987, which required KLI to design, purchase and construct applicable environmental controls at the Landfill and also perform Post Closure Care activities. Escrow Funds (“Funds”), established under the 1981 Act, were available to pay for all the costs of Closure and anticipated Post Closure Care. Withdrawals from the Funds require engineering certification and approval of the NJDEP.
The Landfill is a “properly closed landfill” that has operated and maintained its numerous environmental controls in full compliance with its various operating permits for over thirty years. As a result of KLI’s environmental due diligence and compliance history, the Landfill was ranked No. 1 among over 700 closed landfills in New Jersey in a study conducted by Weston Solutions for PSEG.
As part of KLI’s continued Post Closure Care activities Kinsley’s Landfill Inc. received approval in 2008 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to Re-grade the Landfill using Beneficial Use materials, and in keeping with NJDEP’s approved Material Acceptance Protocol, KLI is currently accepting regulated soils, and fill materials to re-grade, ensure proper run-off, and maintain the cap. Also, KLI is developing additional beneficial end uses for the Landfill.
In 2014, the landfill received Municipal Site Approval from Deptford Township and is in compliance with the Landfill Legacy Law.

Kinsley is currently accepting regulated soils and fill materials for regrading. Regrading preserves and maintains the landfill cap. It also ensures adequate drainage and surface water runoff as required by NJDEP’s approved Post Closure Care Plan for the facility. Fill materials must be tested and approved prior to acceptance and be below the NJDEP’s Non-Residential Direct Contact Soil Remediation Standards (NRDCSRS) and or KLI’s Site Specific materials.
KLI requires all customers to submit completed Material Acceptance Forms (MAF) and Credit Application prior to acceptance of materials.
Regulated Soil Concrete and Brick Recyclable Materials Urban and Historic Fill Dredge Material Water Treatment Residuals Material Produced by Industrial Operations Materials from Remediation Project Sites Beneficial use Materials (BUD) |
FACILITY CONTACT (Gary DeFranco, General Manager)
Phone: (856) 227-5477
OPERATING HOURS: We are open 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday thru Friday or by special arrangement.